Top 3 Most successful Indian blogger you should know them.

Friday, 10 June 2011

As the demand of blogging increasing day-by-day, Indians are also growing rapidly in the blogging platform. Thousand of successful bloggers are from India, but I am going to tell you about Top 3 most successful Indian blogger. Lets take a look.

Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science from IIT. Amit quit his job, because he wanted to become professional blogger. Amit started his blog. Which is now one of the most, visited blog by Bloggers. Labnol covers internet and technology news, Tips and tricks. He also writes a personal technology column for The Hindustan Times. 

Amit Bhawani

Amit started blogging in the year 2007 on, He started writing on different topics like career, health and travel in his blog. Which pumped his alexa ranking continously.He run his own SEO firm in Hydrabad.

Harsh Agarwal

Harsh Agarwal the youngest blogger started full time blogging due to his accident. Harsh now runs Shoutmeloud network. Harsh writes on blogging, wordpress, tips and ways to make money online. Lives in New Delhi and blogs regularly to earn his income blended with freedom.
Shoutmeloud network blogs:

This post is written by Ifham khan you can catch him on

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